My Plan and Overall Goal

Welcome to my spur-of-the-moment, I-feel-like-documenting-my-fitness-journey blog! Sorry it’s not too pretty yet, I’m still figuring out this whole WordPress thing….

I’ll start out by explaining what my overall goal is. This post is mostly for my own purposes, to check back every once in a while and see if I’m still aligned with my original goals and purposes, or to update my posts if things have changed. Honestly, I don’t anticipate too many people reading this blog… not even sure if I’ll tell any friends or family about it, but I think telling at least some people close to me will help me maintain accountability.

Anyway, my main goal for this 100-day personal challenge is to force myself to live an active lifestyle by habit. I’ve always valued exercise, physical fitness and health, but it hasn’t always been easy for me to stick to my ideal level of those three things. Once I get into a habit, it’s pretty hard for me to break, so I’m hoping to make a daily workout a habit, so that if I do miss a day, it’s a day of intentional rest, not me just being lazy.

I realize that working out every single day for over 3 months straight has the potential to be overdoing it. In this regard, I plan to alternate styles and intensities of workouts so that some days are effectively “rest days,” but I’m still forming the habit of going to a gym or class, or going for a run, etc. So on those days (probably 2-3 days per week, depending on how my body is feeling), I might choose to walk 3-5 miles, or go to a yoga class that focuses more on relaxation than on physical exercise. But I will still be practicing getting myself up off my rear-end and going to a place that is typically reserved for physical activity of some sort.

Along with working out, I’m hoping to pay much more attention to what I’m consuming – cut back on sugary foods and drinks, ramp up the whole foods and protein intake (protein is something I’ve always been bad at consuming, since I don’t eat too much meat), and just be more mindful in general of what I’m putting into my body.

Anyway, those are the main ideas of what I’m hoping to accomplish here. I’m sure I’ll have some updates to add or subtract ideas as this personal challenge progresses, but for now, I’m feeling good about my goals! Off to Pure Barre for day one!

As they tell me at Walgreens, be well.


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