October 18-26, 2015 – Good start, rough finish. Time to reset!

On Sunday, I was in AZ with my sister, and walked 7.8 miles throughout the day. We wandered around a few state parks and historical sites, and then around ASU’s main campus and downtown Tempe — pretty solid activity level for a day I spent 3 hours on a flight.

I walked to work every day last week, and walked home all but two days, which helped me hit my 10,000 step goal 3 of the 7 days, and got within 2,000 another 2 days. I also ate pretty well during the week, having Freshii soup for lunch twice, butternut squash soup once, and salads, pasta, and lots of fruits and veggies frequently. I also started making my own smoothie bowls, which has been an awesome way to get extra veggies in (and fruits, but I never have an issue with that). Plus, they’re delicious.

This weekend was pretty bad in the physical-activity department.. I was super lazy and sat on my couch most of the time. I also ate a whole bag of Guittard Milk Chocolate Chips (AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS but pretty horrible for me) between Friday and Sunday, so that was a bummer…

Already have my alarm set for tomorrow morning’s run, though, and got my shower drain fixed so I don’t have the “but I can’t shower at home” excuse for not exercising, either.

Hoping to reset this week!

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