Day Twenty Eight: YMCA Workout

I went back to the YMCA today and just did a 35-ish-minute workout. I ran for about 20 minutes on the treadmill to warm up and get some cardio in (I’m still working on increasing cardio workouts – I’m not a huge fan of doing more than 20 minutes or so, unless it’s Sproing or a sport for fun…). Then I did some lat pulldowns and rows with 60 pounds, and then I did 30-second plank intervals (30 seconds plank, 30 seconds side plank, 30 seconds plank, 30 seconds other side plank, without dropping), 30 pushups (15 normal, 15 triceps), stretched, attempted to do a splits stretch, and headed home. Not the most strenuous workout I’ve ever had, but my body is still feeling all the barre workouts I’ve been doing, so I’m glad I took it a little easier than normal today.

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